Active measures
The Fire Alarm System is critical for early detection of a fire in a building and may mean the difference between life and death. Fires could occur in different ways and places, however the availability of a fire alarm system is the first key step to your safety. During fire, smoke and deadly toxic gases spread farther and faster than heat. This is a reason why most victims of fire perish from inhalation of smoke and toxic gases rather than burns. The Fire Alarm System allows prompt and immeadiate possibility for the occupants to evacuate before it is too late and their way is blocked by fore, smoke and toxic gases.
In the presence of a fire extinguishing system and Fire Alarm System, the fire could be controlled in less than 1 minute, whereas in the absence of such, the average time for notifying the Fire Service is between 2 and 3 minutes, during which the fire significantly increases and the chances of evacuation decrease dramatically. The critical point is reached between the third and fifth minute when the gases from the burning materials and could cause an explosen what would scatter heat waves and fireballs in which cases so far no one has survived. At the same time a team of firefighters is already travelling to the accident. After their arrival, the firefighters need at least two minutes to prepare their equipment to start extinguishing the fire.
The purpose of a fire extinguishing installation is simple: to create the appropriate conditions for controlling and extinguishing the fire by:
A) Cooling the combustion zone by affecting the surface of the burning substance with extinguishing agents or to mix the burning substances.
B) Isolating the burning substances by buidling a barrier between them, the fumes and gases emitted by the fire.
C) Dilution of the burning substances in the area of the fire with gaseous noncombustible substances, thereby reducing the concentration of oxygen or burning material.
D) A chemical effect on combustion, whereby extinguishing agents are introduced into the combustion zone, resulting in a reduction in the rate of combustion, which is associated with a decrease in temperature until the combustion is stopped.
The most lethal part of the fire are the toxic fumes that are released from the burning materials. Fire smoke can spread quickly in one building and the fire extinguishing systems are able to reduce the amount of smoke released in a fire. In summary, the fire extinguishing system: saves lives, reduces potential losses in half before it goes out of control.
Smoke and Heat Ventilation Systems are an essential part of the fire safety, especially in large buildings. When properly installed the Smoke and Heat Ventilation System could save lives and protect the building from constructional damage. The effective exhaustion of smoke and toxic gases does not allow large quantities of them to be collected in the building thus preventing being inhaled by people inside. Smoke and Heat Ventilation System also improves the visibilty in the building thus facilitating the access to the evacuation exits.
A) The main purpose of the fire dampers is to limit the spread of the fire, heat and smoke and additionally, bu using suitable actuators to be used in mixed mode ventilation systems (used not only in case of fire but for examply for daily ventilation).
B) During normal operation of the system, the smoke dampers are in open or closed position. In case of fire the actuating system opens the smoke dampers in the area of the fire (smoke vents in the other areas go to closed position) They are designated to create reliable and effective ventilation systems in large premises while ensuring a high level of safety and exhausting the smoke and hot gases in the event of fire.
C) Jet Fans are designed to create reliable and efficient ventilation systems in large rooms while ensuring a high level of safety and eliminating smoke and hot gases in case of fire.